1. Don't be afraid to try something new everyday. Never stop learning.
The world is new to a baby. They are always looking for something new to touch, see, smell, and of course, taste. By not fearing novelty, you open up a whole world of growth and experiences. Don't be scared.
2. When you learn a skill that you like, do it over and over and over and over again until you master it.
My daughter is learning to stand and walk. She will pull her self up on everything and is using anything that slides on the floor as a walker.
3. When you fail at the new skill, take it in stride. Laugh it off and try again.
As a new walker, my daughter is constantly falling. When she does fall, she looks around startled smiles to herself and gets up again. On the rare times her fall causes pain, you know what she does? She gets pissed, and stands up again tears and all. Life and skills should be the same way. When you start something new you are going to stink at it for a while. You are going to make mistakes. Don't let it get you down. Laugh it off, or get angry, and try it again.
4. When the tears get to be too much; when you are crabby and snapping, and the mistakes keep coming; take a nap.
Lots of studies show, we need our rest. When you are no fun to be around, when you make mistake after mistake, take a break from it. Meditate. Relax. You might be lacking sleep. Take a nap. Get your Eric to eight hours. You might think you are productive by burning the midnight oil, but if you do it too often you ability to get things done suffers greatly.
5. You can't do everything yourself. Ask for help.
Babies can't crawl up high. They don't have the strength to twist off lids. They can't open doors. They need you to help them do things. You do too. No matter how good you are... no matter how much you've studied, or trained you cannot do everything. You will need help. And that's okay.
So it's okay to be a little bit like baby. See you tomorrow.
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