Sunday, November 25

November 11 25 2012 - 4.0.01

Let's try this again. I'm now a proud papa. She just turned three months old. I'm already a quarter and a half into the new school year, and am loving it.
I still feel like my life is out of control. I'm gaining weight. My workouts are inconsistent or non-existant. I am building a running base, but it's not quite enough. Hopefully I can string together enough of these posts, to motivate myself to keep going. I need something to go right and gain momementum to turn my life onto the path I deserve. Tomorrow is a new week. This week I hope to do two things. 1.) No fast food on the way home from work. We need to save money, and I need to save my waist-line. 2.) Wake up at 5 a.m. every mornign this week. _see_you_soon. P