This story shows how a simple frame shift in your point of view can improve your self-esteem and self-worth. All three masons were building a cathedral. Only the third realized the true meaning of his work.Many years ago a trio of masons were checked upon by their master. When asked what he was doing the first mason replied, "I am laying bricks." The second mason was asked the same question and replied, "I am making sure all the bricks are square and plumb." The third mason was spreading concrete onto the bricks. When asked by the master what he was doing, the third replied, "I am building a cathedral."
It reminds me of an interview question I was asked when applying for my current job. When asked what I taught, I realized that the interviewer was looking for something deeper than the content. I should have answered "students". Even though I was teaching students I didn't have the confidence to realize that my work was building something great.
Everyone should stop and think about why they are doing what they are doing. Really stop and think. There is probably a great outcome to your work and you don't even realize it. Once you do, it will empower you.
However, if you cannot find any cathedrals being built, perhaps it's time for a change?
See you all tomorrow. Keeping on chasing happiness.
Challenge - 17/30
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