I realized upon reflection, that this fable does not only represent the liberty vs. slavery question, but it also represents the two ways of decision making.A hungry wolf happened upon a well fed dog. The well fed dog asks the wolf to join him in his life of leisure. The wolf agrees at first. Upon closer inspection, the wolf notices the dog's fur has been worn down at the neck and inquires as to why? The dog explains the collar as to which all dogs must wear. The wolf leaves the dogs company deciding he'd rather starve than be a slave.
You can live your life as a dog making all the easy decisions and playing everything safe. This will guarantee that you life a comfortable life, but in return you will be living the life that society deems is proper. You will not be able to follow your dreams and passion.
Or you can live your life as a wolf. You have the freedom to pursue your own dreams. Though the reward is great, the risk is equally high. You could find a feast or struggle with famine. You will need to hone your talents and constantly improve your skills and knowledge to minimize the risk and maximize the reward. The life of a wolf is much more difficult.
Neither existence is right nor wrong. It is up to you to decide. Are you a wolf or a dog? I know what I wish to be.
Day 28/30 (Two more to go).
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