It's been a long time, but I am back. I have had time to grow up a little and to reevaluate my life. What I've noticed is advancements in some very important aspects of my life (marriage and career change) while a whole bunch of stagnation in nearly every other portion of my life.
That's going to change. Starting today. Now.
I have decided that this is going to be my year of 100 challenges! Twice a week I am going to post a challenge. The challenge might be a goal (financial, health, relationship, or career). The challenge might be a project to work on around my (soon to be: fingers crossed) house. Or the challenge might even be an adventure such as a trip or a competition. Who knows? Not me.
My first goal: BLOG. Yep. That's it. Blog. See I want to be an okay writer, but I don't often get the chance to write. That's unfortunate, because I can't get better without practice.
As the horror master Stephen King wrote.
Read and write four to six hours a day. If you cannot find the time for that, you can't expect to become a good writer
So I am going to change my laziness. My first challenge is to Blog three times a week. I am shooting for Tuesday's and Thursday's being goal days. Then over the weekend I will do something a little more fun.
I am also going to take the lead from the Nerd Fitness Rebellion and "Level up My Life". Since I am a gamer. Each challenge with award me certain amounts of experience based on their difficulties. I will award myself experience every week and using the 4e experience chart, whenever I level up there will be a special post and I will reward myself with something inane and fun, like a video game or a board game or a new magic trick.
As I have time and as part of this challenge I will also be going through my previous posts and edit and retag them for the new format.
Anyways, my wife is calling for our dinner time.
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