This book is an exciting read. Not that it is some sort of witty high literature (I read it in a single sitting), but because it shows what the human spirit can achieve with the proper motivation.
Get this; Dean Karnazes was a typical thirty something going through the typical mid-life crisis routine, and instead of giving into despair and monotony he acctually does something about it.
After a night on the town, complete with more than a couple of drinks and extra-marital temptation, Dean turns from the road more traveled, throws on a pair of beat gardening shoes and runs thirty miles through the night. Realizing activity can replace the growing up doldrums, he soon makes running a pivotal part of his life. The returning athlete, fresh from a 15 year hiatus, then bumps into a couple of army rangers training to complete a 50 mile race through the wilderness, leading to daunting 100+ mile events, marathons through the least hospitable environments (Death Valley and the Polar regions), and other herculean feats of endurance.
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