- Learn to play guitar for my daughter- every time I see shows like Glee or watch YouTube channels like Glove and Boots, it reminds me of how creative I used to be. I want to challenge my mind, while instilling a love for the arts for my daughter.
- Lose at least 20 lbs before next year. I need to be light to run. Plus, I really am not feeling healthy (FYI: according to BMI calculations I am only 35 lbs from being healthy, but my little toe keeps dipping into the obese category.)
- Run at least 10 races, with 2 of these races being more than 10 miles long.
Raise at least $1000 for charity.Raised $1220 and climbing- Make a website to educate my students and strangers world-wide about science. In progress.
- Find a summer job to help pay for my hobbies.
- Log 10 hours of open water dives.
I will still post challenges from time to time, and let you know how I handled them; where I found the information for completion, how I overcame procrastination and ADD, and what was the outcome.
See you soon. - P
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