Wednesday, January 9

Things to Do: Register to Vote

Alright, unless you've been in some sort of holiday sugar daze for the past month, you've heard nothing but talk about the presidential primaries. It's everywhere, from trash tabloids to billboards on your daily commute. There is no escaping.

And while I do get annoyed by the main stream media's coverage of the race, where at times it seems they are covering elections for high school prom court elections rather than a presidential race, it is still important that you participate.

Why? Well, if the fact that millions of people have sacrificed their lives so you can have the right doesn't inspire you to get off your ass, it's the first step to taking some control and responsibility for your actions. 

So get out there! Here's some help.

Here's a website that gives state by state rules for registration.

Okay, so you've registered to vote. Now what's the next step? You need, and I emphasize; need, to be an informed voter. If you end up voting with your heart, and get fleeced by some empty suit that says one thing and does an other, you have no room to complain.

Also the MSM doesnt really help. They which tends to ignore the candidates that paid "analysts" think are not viable, or plain old give into what amounts to bribery from the richer candidates. 

 If you are not an informed voter, get informed. If you have stumbled across my blog, you obviously know how to work a computer. Use your favorite search engine, and look up all the candidates.

There are plenty of websites at least summing up the candidates views. Heres one for the presidential primaries.

Also, if they've already held office, its public record how they've voted, and its your responsibility to find out. The best indicator of a candidates true view is their voting record. As the saying goes: "actions speak louder."

Good luck, and since this is an opinion blog.... Go Ron Paul!

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