I can't believe I am making a post about this. Going to the library should be common sense, but I see so many people that don't know what services their library offers.
Reasons the Library is Awesome:
- Its practically free! Yeah, most libraries are paid with funds from your taxes, but hey you are paying for it anyway might as well use it.
- Reading gives you and your children an edge. There are tons of studies on this. Just use your search engine, or better yet go to the library and look it up if you don't believe me.
- How can you be a responsible and active citizen if you don't know what is going on in the world around you.
- Hard Copies of media at the library tend to be reviewed more heavily than electronic sources. Therefor you won't be as easily lead astray.
- Many types of media at your hand. One trip to most libraries can give the visitor access to books, movies, video games, cds, newspapers, journals, cassette tapes, etc.
There is no excuse for not visiting your library at least a few times a month. The librarians are there to help you, it hardly costs you anything, and its one of the easiest ways to learn to be active.
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