Over the weekend I was listening to
Tim Pychyl's iProcastinate Podcast, and for a very short time during this podcast Dr. Pychyl and his guest talked about a way to improve follow through on goals.
We human beings are terrible at predicting the future. It's one of the reasons large long term goals are rarely completed. We overestimate our future abilities and mood. We put off what should be done now in preparation for the future. This procrastination causes disappointments in ourselves, and can lead to a vicious downward spiral.
I often do not wish to get things
done now. I would much rather put it off later. For large goals it makes sense to write the goals down. Research shows writing your goals down and reviewing them will lead positive outcomes.
However, here is a hint on how to improve the odds of finishing your goals.
Hopefully by performing this excersice you will give a boost to your willpower, overcome procrastination, and accomplish great things.
When you do not wish to follow through with an action, ask yourself two questions. Question 1: What is the positive outcome of me performing this activity? Question 2: What is the cost of doing nothing?

By asking yourself these questions we can begin to see past our human nature and see some of the true costs of not following through. Here are some examples.
I don't wish to go for my training run today.
1.) However, if I do run, I will feel better after (I never feel worse). I will feel happy that I accomplished something today. My fitness will improve. Future runs will be easier.
2.) The cost of not running are my fitness will not improve. I will be more likely to skip the next workout. I will not have base miles to perform up to my expectations in my next race.
If I want to give in and drink that soda.
1.) If I don't drink the soda, I will be proud of myself. I will be able to add another day of going soda free. The cravings of soda will decrease each day.
2.) If I give in, I will likely give in again. The cravings will return and I could backslide.
You can go on and on for every activity. You can come up with many pros and cons of performing the activity. By thinking about these two questions you become more likley to accomplish your goals. Better yet write down these pros and cons and put them in a place you can review them often.
Your will strenghten your will to get better. It's not fail safe, and you will fail, but with practice it will get easier.
Hope this helps. See you tomorrow.